HR Software
Why use HR Software when you can have whole business management software? Floway offers HR built-in templates to automate the processes and improve your HR Department efficiency.

Benefit request
Human Resources
Current issues
Final states
- Benefit delivered
- Benefit rejected
- Simple benefit request approval process.
- Benefits are managed by Human Resources Department.
Description: An employee fills in a simple benefit request form. The request is verified by Human Resources according to the internal rules of the company. HR Department accepts or rejects the request. If the request is accepted HR is responsible for delivering the benefit (the form of delivery depends on the type of the benefit). The process ends when the employee gets the benefit.
Roles engaged: Human Resources.
Common adjustments (configuration):
- During the configuration, the dictionaries for available benefits should be filled with values specific to the company.
- Configuration phase may add different paths for different benefits if needed.
Absence approval
Human Resources
Get task done
Final states
- Absence Approved
- Rejected (Manager)
- Rejected (HR Department)
- The approval form needs to be accepted by Manager and HR Department only.
- Employees may indicate a preferred delegate who can take over their work responsibilities. The delegate does not participate in the process and is only informed if acceptance is obtained.
- HR Department should verify whether the absence request is valid considering current internal and external regulations.
Description: The process has only a handful of steps. After filling out the absence form it requires acceptance from the Manager and the HR Department. In both steps, the request can be rejected. If all acceptances are obtained the absence request is accepted and visible in the absence registry.
Roles engaged: Manager, HR Department.
Common adjustments (configuration):
- On rare occasions companies modify the process so that the preferred delegate confirms that he/she is aware of the absence of his/her colleague and that he/she takes over the responsibilities.
Course application
HR Department
Current issues
Final states
- Application rejected
- Course finished
- To outperform market competition company needs to constantly raise qualifications of its employees. This Floway process is a tool for managers and employees to request specific course or training financed by employer.
- The process does not end when training is booked but rather when training is evaluated so that company can create a knowledge base for further trainings.
Description: The first step is a request form filled out by the manager or employee. The request requires basic information regarding the training, a list of employees willing (or needed) to do the training, and justification. The request is evaluated by HR Department and can be either send back, discarded, or send for financing. The finance department accepts the estimated costs (final costs will be known only after the offer is chosen) of the training. The finance department can deny the request and send it back to the HR Department, however only HR Department can reject the request. Then the process enters the phase of choosing the best offer. HR Department collects offers and chooses one of the offers. The price of the chosen offer may differ from the estimated cost of the training so in the next step, the financial department has to confirm that the offer is accepted. After that, the HR Department has to arrange the training/course – coordinate dates, list of attendees, and so on. The person who requested the training accepts these arrangements in the name of all attendees. After the course is realized it must be evaluated by attendees. This builds a knowledge base for further training/course requests.
Roles engaged: HR Department, Finance Department, Requester
Common adjustments (configuration):
- If HR Department has a budgeted for courses and training, the steps for Finance Department may be redundant.
- The evaluation form may be different in some companies.
Human Resources
Current issues
Drive Process
Final states
- Recommendations implemented
- Recommendations not implemented
- Every employee should be able to express negative impact of a situation on his work, this template gives them possibility to do so.
- Complaint is an opportunity to improve work quality and should not be considered as something we should only deal with.
Description: After the complaint form has been filled it is evaluated by the Human Resources Department. Depending on the nature of the complaint there are two possible paths for the process. Either the recommendations are prepared directly by the Human Resources Department or another department chosen by HR. The recommendations are implemented in the organization and supervised by Human Resources. There are two possible outcomes for the process – implementation might have succeeded, or it was not possible to realize them.
Roles engaged: Human Resources, other departments (decision of the HR).
Common adjustments (configuration):
- It is possible to distinguish between a formal complaint and other non-formal suggestions if we wish to have formalized, strongly monitored process.