Legal Department Software
Floway can replace Legal Deparment Software with our ready-to-use templates. Set up a workflow, create forms and generate documents for your legal procedures. Effortless and customizable.

Contract template
Legal Department
Drive process
Final states
Ready to use
- If a company has many similar contracts with different contractors it is very useful to prepare a contract template so that negotiations with further contractors will be easier. The process enables requesting contract template preparation from Legal Department.
Description: The Department that needs a contract template fills in the form and describes all requirements and checks needed clauses. The Legal Department prepares contract templates and if needed requests review from other Departments. After the contract template is prepared it is sent to the department which originally requested contract template preparation. The process finishes when a contract is ready for use. Now signing the contract in exactly this form does not need to include Legal Department in negotiations.
Roles engaged: Legal Department, Owning Department, Other Departments
Common adjustments (configuration):
- Adding Finance Department as a permanent step not as an optional review.
Contract verification
Legal Department
Get task done
Final states
- Contract discarded
- Contract signed
- Processing contracts and contract amendments takes up a lot of time and effort, because many departments and specialists need to be involved in formulating contract clauses. In Floway we propose to make the process as clear and simple as possible.
Description: The need to sign a new Contract may be triggered by different events. The basic distinction is if the contract has been prepared by the contractor or by us. The Floway system addresses both situations with a single process template. The first step is to enter the contract details and all documents that are required to start the process. The second step is the Legal Department’s verification of the contract (if it was sent by the contractor) or preparation of the contract (if we initiate the process). The Legal Department has the option to request a review of the contract from other departments. After all required reviews are done the contract should be sent either to the Finance Department (if signing the contract will have financial consequences) or to the Department responsible for the original contract. The Owning Department of the contract is responsible for conducting negotiations with the contractor and if necessary asking for an additional review from Legal Department. The Owning Department decides whether the contract should be signed or discarded. The process of signing is not part of the template as separate steps, however, it can be performed on documents stored in the system.
Roles engaged: Legal Department, Owning Department, Other Departments
Common adjustments (configuration):
- The path for the contract verification may be different in some companies so the template should be configured according to the internal company’s regulations.
Breach of contract
Legal Department
Drive process
Final states
- Access Granted
- Rejected (Manager)
- Rejected (Security Department)
- Every contract breach by a contractor should be recorded even if it results in no penalty for the contractor.
- The decision on consequences of the breach should be clear for every member of the process so that no “grey area” is left for interpretation.
Description: The process starts when the person responsible for the contract notifies of the breach and registers it in the system. After the registration of the breach process must be continued until a decision is made. Before a contract breach is sent to the legal department the Manager has to give a recommendation. The Legal Department may consult Management Board. After that Legal department decides on the contract itself and all recommendations (Person Responsible, Manager, Management Board). Possible decisions:
- Legal letter sent to the contractor,
- Charging contractual penalties,
- Contract termination,
- No consequences.
After sending a legal letter or charging contractual penalties the process may continue. For example, the breach may result in sending a legal letter, and only after the response from the contractor do we decide to charge contractual penalties and then terminate the contract. The history of all the actions taken will be visible in the system.
Roles engaged: Contract Supervisor, Manager, Legal Department, Management Board
Common adjustments (configuration):
- Additional paths for dealing with the breach of contract may be added.
- Process may be extended so that Finance Department is included in decision-making.
Contract amendment
Legal Department
Get task done
Final states
- Amendment discarded
- Amendment signed
- Processing contracts and contract amendments take up a lot of time and effort because many departments and specialists need to be involved in formulating contract clauses. In Floway we propose to make the process as clear and simple as possible.
Description: The need to sign a Contract amendment may be triggered by different events. The basic distinction is if the contract amendment was prepared by the contractor or by us. The Floway system addresses both situations with a single process template. The first step is to enter the contract amendment details and all documents that are required to start the process. The second step is the Legal Department’s verification of the amendment (if it was sent by the contractor) or preparation of the amendment (if we initiate the process). The Legal Department has the option to request a review of the amendment from other departments. After all required reviews are done the amendment should be sent either to the Finance Department (if signing the amendment will have financial consequences) or to the Department responsible for the original contract. The Owning Department of the contract is responsible for conducting negotiations with the contractor and if necessary asking for an additional review from Legal Department. The Owning Department decides whether the amendment should be signed or discarded. The process of signing is not part of the template as separate steps, however, it can be performed on documents stored in the system.
Roles engaged: Legal Department, Owning Department, Other Departments
Common adjustments (configuration):
- The path for the contract amendment may be different in some companies so the template should be configured according to the internal company’s regulations.